You can straighten your toes but you’ll still be you

If you’re here because you’re considering surgery on your wonky feet here’s the thing…afterwards you’ll still be you…in fact you’ll be a little bit less ‘you’

Several years down the line you’ll forget about your ‘new’ feet, possibly even look at them critically because they’re not as pretty as so-and-so’s feet, or certain shoes still won’t look great. You’ll also (probably) find other perceived imperfections to worry about.

You may even lose a bit of your identity. Example: I used to get around the foot ‘problem’ by wearing slightly wacky unusual shoes… or boots with shorts and that was my look…my ‘thing’ – but post op I thought I should just wear Birkenstocks – like every other Mum on the school run. It’s taken this long for that penny to drop. It’s not an earth shattering observation – it’s a small thing….but it seemed worth sharing.

I’m not saying don’t get them done and I’m not saying I regret getting them done but if you’re umming and ahhing and decide not to go for it, realise that nobody else cares about your wonky toes… wear the shoes, paddle in the sea, love yourself as you are 😊

If you need cheering up, Google ‘celebrities with bunions’ and you’ll see the likes of Megan Markle, Victoria Beckham and Naomi Campbell – to name a few – happily displaying theirs in strappy sandals for the world to see…and if they’re good enough for a Princess, in front of the world’s paparazzi, you can stop hiding yours too 😁